Just saw Twilights "New Moon" and was very impressed by the makeup. Key Makeup Artist Norma Hill Patton did an a amazing job. Most impressive was the vampires pale textured skin. Patton told StyleList "Pale makeup tends to flatten the features so I also contoured their faces."
Choice of makeup for most characters were:
On Edward, Patton used MAC NC15 with MAC Face and Body in White on top, and then she added a lip balm with just a hint of color.
Dakota Fanning as the evil Volturi vampire Jane really vamps it up with her wicked black eye makeup. Patton used DuWop Grey Eyes Palette and MAC Eye Shadow in Carbon for definition, MAC Eye Kohl Pencil in Black on the inner rims, and DuWop Venom Mascara in Black. "I also helped the eyes pop with individual black eyelashes," she said.